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  • Alaina Douglas

Beauty in the Repair

1.3.2023 at 6:52 am

I reflect a lot….

I don’t just talk to myself, I actually don’t speak at all.

It’s in the silent moments I hear the conversations with myself. I take accountability for actions and the steps that got me here today including the missteps. Everything stopped for awhile, my heart started to break open from experiences it never felt before. My breathing became shallow and my body stiff. I stopped allowing my energy to be in motion [emotions] but I wasn’t emotionless. There was a corner of my spiritual house [body] that began to mold because of stagnant energy. The emotions I didn’t release. I would often tell others do not allow yourself to have mold in your spiritual house as it was growing in mine. I knew what it was like and I wanted to let them know so they wouldn’t ruin the walls that were beautiful. So I went back within finding the leaks and accepting that even though removed emotions just like rain will always return. There may be damage here and there but now you’ve learned to fix the leaks and find the beauty in the repair.

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